A downloadable Room Escape

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Game Background: You are a master of escape rooms, invited to participate in a real-life escape room challenge. The goal is to escape the room and win the prize money. Although the process seems smooth, during the puzzle-solving, you uncover clues that hint something is not quite right.

Main Gameplay: In Black Room Escape, players can freely explore the room, interact with various objects and mechanisms, and solve intricate puzzles to unveil hidden truths. Every corner may hide a crucial clue, and every mechanism needs your wit to unlock. Your goal is to escape swiftly, but remember, time and intuition are equally important.

Key Features:

  • Free Exploration: High freedom exploration mode allows players to investigate every nook and cranny at will.
  • Intricately Designed Puzzles: Multi-layered puzzle designs, from simple numerical puzzles to complex mechanisms, each filled with challenges.
  • Engaging Storyline: Uncover a captivating story as the game progresses.
  • Realistic Game Environment: High-quality 3D modeling and detailed scene design provide an immersive experience.

Are you ready to take on the challenge? Step into Black Room Escape, showcase your puzzle-solving skills, uncover the truth, escape the room, and win your prize!

遊戲背景: 你是密室逃脫高手,受邀參與一場真人實境密室逃脫。遊戲目的是逃出房間並贏得獎金。雖然過程順利,但在解謎過程中,你發現了一些線索,隱隱約約感覺到事情沒有這麼單純。

主要玩法: 在 Black Room Escape 中,玩家可以自由探索房間,與各種道具和機關互動,解開層層謎題,逐步揭開隱藏的真相。每一個角落都可能藏著關鍵線索,每一個機關都需要你的智慧來解開。你的目標是快速逃脫,但請記住,時間和直覺同樣重要。


  • 自由探索:高自由度的探索模式,讓玩家可以隨心所欲地探索每一個角落。
  • 精心設計的謎題:多層次的謎題設計,從簡單的數字謎題到複雜的機關操作,每一個都充滿挑戰。
  • 引人入勝的故事線:隨著遊戲進行,逐步揭開一個扣人心弦的故事。
  • 逼真的遊戲環境:高質量的3D建模和細緻的場景設計,讓玩家有身臨其境的感覺。

準備好迎接挑戰了嗎?來 Black Room Escape 展現你的解謎技能,揭開真相,逃出房間,贏取屬於你的獎金!

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Updated 1 day ago
Published 3 days ago
StatusIn development
AuthorMagic Kube Game Studio
Tags3D, Escape Game, Unity


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Demo Version 2.0.zip 338 MB

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